Add Native Support for BibLatex-Software

  • Deciders: Oliver Kopp

Technical Story: 6574-Adding support for biblatex-software

Context and Problem Statement

Right now, JabRef does not have support for Biblatex-Software out of the box, users have to add custom entry types. With citing software becoming fairly common, native support is helpful.

Decision Drivers

  • None of the existing flows should be impacted

Considered Options

  • Add the new entry types to the existing biblatex types
  • Add a divider with label Biblatex-Software under which the new entries are listed : Native support for Biblatex-Software
  • Support via customized entry types : A user can load a customized bib file

Decision Outcome

Chosen option: Add a new divider, because comes out best (see below).

Positive Consequences

  • Inbuilt coverage for a entry type that is getting more and more importance

Negative Consequences

  • Adds a little bit more clutter to the Add Entry pane

Pros and Cons of the Options

Adding the new entry types to the existing biblatex types

  • Good, because there is no need for a new category in the add entry pane

Add a divider with label Biblatex-Software with relevant types

  • Good, since this gives the user a bit more clarity

Support via customized entry types

  • Good, because no code needs to be changed
  • Bad, because documentation is needed
  • Bad, because the users are not guided through the UI, but have to do other steps.